How to Tell if You Have Diabetes

Diabetes isn’t an uncommon illness, but it can be serious and result in your having to change your lifestyle. There are two different kinds of diabetes, and the main difference between them is that type 1 is genetic, whereas type 2 diabetes can be down to your lifestyle and will develop over time, rather than showing up in an earlier stage of your life.

It is important to know what the symptoms of diabetes are so that you can address the problem sooner rather than later, so below are some of the key things to look out for and when you should see a doctor.

What are the Symptoms?

If you want to know how to tell if you have diabetes, these are common indicators that you might have developed this problem.

The need to urinate frequently, or feeling thirsty and/or hungry a lot. You might also notice that you experience extreme fatigue, weight loss, tingling sensation, or pain in your hands and feet. Cuts and bruises might also take longer to heal than they have done in the past. Some people might also experience blurred vision or find that they are getting thrush in the genital area repeatedly.

You may want to refer to a self help service to check symptoms if you are concerned.

What Should You Do?

If you are concerned that you have diabetes, the first thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor. They can arrange a blood test to check your blood sugar levels, as this can be a great indicator of whether or not you have diabetes and can be one of the first warning signs. High blood sugar can be treated with lifestyle changes, and you may need to take insulin at times too.

Your doctor can talk you through how to manage your diabetes more effectively, or look at NHS GP for more information. They may even refer you to specialist centers for disease control for further support and guidance.

Who is at a Higher Risk?

If you do have a history of type 1 diabetes in your family, then you are more likely to develop this condition, too.

However, for type 2 diabetes, those at a higher risk include people who have a diet that is high in fats and sugars and are overweight. Your risk also increases the older you get, with a lot of people developing this when they are over 40. This is why it is important to monitor high levels of blood sugar and get this tested if you are concerned.

Lifestyle Changes for Diabetics

If you do have type 2 diabetes, there are some things you can do at home to help this. The first step is to look at moving to a healthier lifestyle and eating a more balanced diet with reduced sugar. Remember to be careful with carbs, too, as these can turn into sugar in your body. You might also want to think about getting more exercise to help you lose weight which can be beneficial.

If you are worried about whether or not you have developed diabetes, contact your doctor as soon as possible to take the necessary tests.

You should register in the area that you live.  If you are in Halls of Residences, you can click here to register with a doctor online.

It is very important that you register with a local doctor while you are at university. Do not wait until you are ill to do this!

You may register with any doctor in the area, usually the surgery nearest to where you live. There is no charge for overseas students to register with the National Health Service (NHS).
NHS Health surcharge

The Health surcharge introduced from 6th April 2015, will apply to all new applicants from overseas and applicants in the UK who are extending their visa.  The cost for each year of study will be £300 per year (depending on your duration of stay) and dependants will be charged the same amount as the main applicant. It will give you access to the NHS on the same terms as permanent UK residents.   The health surcharge will be paid by non EEA nationals who come to the UK to study, work or join Family.  This will not apply to Nationals from Australia or New Zealand because of reciprocal healthcare arrangements with the UK.  You must apply and make payment for the surcharge before you make your visa application.
Register with a GP

It is important that you register with a GP as soon as possible when you join Middlesex if you are living away from your home GP. This means that you will be able to access healthcare quickly should you become unwell at your time at university. For anything else that you are unsure of, you can contact

What is PTSD? Learn about the symptoms of PTSD and what to do if you think you or a loved one has this psychiatric disorder.

PTSD, which stands for post-traumatic stress disorder, is a psychiatric disorder that occurs after a traumatic event or prolonged trauma over time. Historically, it became known as “shell shock”, which many soldiers experienced after combat in the world wars. However, any kind of trauma can lead to this disorder, such as:

  • Accidents
  • Assault
  • Abuse
  • Illness or injury (either yourself or a loved one)
  • The death of a loved one

Going through these experiences does not being you will definitely experience PTSD. A traumatic event or prolonged trauma might trigger the disorder in one person and not another, and it has not been determined exactly why. One suggestion is that those suffering from PTSD have high-stress hormone levels, though this isn’t always the case.

If you think you or a loved one might have PTSD, it’s crucial to understand the symptoms and seek medical help to process the memories and reduce symptoms over time.

Below are the most common symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder PTSD.

Flashbacks of Trauma

After experiencing a traumatic event, many people feel sad, scared, and anxious, and these symptoms tend to improve naturally over a few weeks. In people with PTSD, these symptoms last far longer and can produce one of the most common symptoms associated with post traumatic stress disorder: flashbacks.

Flashbacks make a person with PTSD experience the traumatic event over and over again in their mind. Often, the flashback is very vivid and causes high levels of panic and anxiety, and can even become debilitating in severe cases.

Frequent Nightmares

People with PTSD usually experience frequent nightmares, often of the traumatic event or events that they have been through. These nightmares cause elevated stress levels and can lead to further issues, like sleeping difficulties and insomnia.

Extreme Anxiety

Anxiety is a symptom of multiple mental health issues, including PTSD. After experiencing trauma, a person with PTSD will often feel extreme anxiety in their day-to-day life. They


It is common for people living with PTSD to avoid anything associated with the traumatic event they experienced, which often includes people, places or activities. It is common for sufferers to even withdraw from their friends and family. Over time, this can make their symptoms even worse as they continue to isolate themselves.

Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts involve upsetting and confusing thoughts that those with PTSD wish would disappear. Typically, these thoughts lead to feelings of guilt and upset. Without treatment, these intrusive thoughts are difficult to manage and might worsen over time in some cases.

Irritability or Anger

Many people with PTSD become irritable or angry, which can lead to reckless behaviour. This behaviour might cause them to damage their relationships. Extreme anger may also be a sign of complex PTSD, which is caused by long-term trauma rather than a single event.

PTSD in Children

Children can get PTSD just like adults. The symptoms may look different, though. If you suspect your child has PTSD, here are the signs to look out for:

  • Reliving the traumatic event
  • Angry outbursts
  • Nightmares
  • Fear and/or sadness

Seek Help for PTSD

When experiencing symptoms like this, it’s important to see mental health specialists in order to determine the cause. Then, these mental health professionals can provide appropriate treatment to help the patient manage and improve their symptoms over time, whether through therapy or medication, or a combination of both.

If you think you or your loved one is experiencing PTSD, book an appointment with your NHS GP as soon as possible. Help is available, and nobody has to carry on suffering with their symptoms.

Student life can be rough. If you feel as though your mental health is beginning to suffer as a result, here are some tips that may be able to help.

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Regular exercise is a crucial part of what it takes to maintain a happy and healthy life. From strengthening your mental health to reducing the risk of major illness, exercise is, in many ways, a remedy of its own.

While exercise is a part of many people’s lives by default, i.e., walking to work or school, cycling instead of driving, or taking part in active hobbies like football and running, others might not have the same opportunities.

Since daily routines are unique and not everyone gets the chance to incorporate physical activity into their day, going out of your way to dedicate time to regular exercise is essential if you want to enjoy better health. So, if you need to give yourself a bit of a motivational boost in this area, it’s worth checking out five of the top benefits exercise has to offer you.

1. Reducing the Risk of Chronic Disease

Studies show that if you exercise regularly, you are effectively reducing your risk of contracting many different types of chronic disease, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and various forms of cancer.

Your health is a long-term investment, and what better way to ensure you get to live a long and happy life – one that returns your investment – than to ward off illness with a little exercise?

2. Beating Depression

Depression can feel like a black hole that sucks away all ambition, happiness, and sometimes, feelings of any kind at all. Naturally, it can be difficult to think about exercise when you’re suffering from depression, but it’s important to recognise that it can be a good way of battling it.

Regular physical activity may be able to boost your mood and improve your mental state over time, reducing anxiety and engaging the brain at the same time. It’s mostly down to the happy hormones your body releases when taking part in exercise, which can work wonders for mental health.

Still, it’s important to seek help if you’re feeling depressed – you aren’t alone, even though it probably feels that way a lot of the time. You could check out GP online services if you want help remotely or if you need more advice on how exercise may be able to improve your situation.

You might also be able to use exercise to reduce your risk of becoming depressed again in the future – many people cite exercise as a form of natural anti-depressant, which again, is often the result of the positive hormones flowing through the body during and after exercising.

3. Losing Weight

Exercise can help you lose excess weight and maintain a healthy weight whilst improving your metabolism, reducing the risk of several diseases and increasing your energy levels throughout the day.

To get the most out of weight loss and other health benefits exercise can offer, it’s important to always include some aerobic exercise into your routine – this helps get your heart rate up and your blood properly circulating around your body.

4. Boosting Your Endurance

If you feel as though you could do with keeping your energy levels up a little better throughout the day, then it’s worth noting that regular exercise can boost your endurance levels.

The more you exercise, the greater your endurance becomes over time, even if you only take on a moderate intensity. Plus, this increase in stamina and fitness usually occurs fairly quickly in the beginning when you commit to regular exercise, so you may be able to see results early on.

5. Lowering Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is linked to plenty of nasty diseases and mental health conditions, so it’s crucial to keep it under control – and exercise is a great way to aid you in this.

Exercise can make sure your blood vessels and heart stay fresh and healthy, allowing you to lower your blood pressure altogether.

Stress is common for students, but there are ways to feel more at ease through regular breathing exercises shown in this guide.

Meditation, mindfulness and deep breathing have long been associated with improving mental health. For students, taking care of their mental health is an absolute priority during an extremely stressful time, especially during peak exam season. How can they heighten their mental well-being in the midst of their pent-up stress? By trying out breathing exercises and mindful techniques!

Of course, inhaling and exhaling properly sounds easy, but there’s actually a lot more to it when it comes to deep breathing and mindful exercises. Knowing where to start can be tricky, but fear not, for here is a guide geared towards students looking to implement mindful breathing techniques into their life.

1. The Deep Belly Breath

This exercise is a good one to start with because it allows for long, deep belly breaths and is also great for mindfulness since it lets you rest your hand on your belly to feel your breath moving in and out. In fact, this movement can be useful for grounding you while you’re practising your breathing.

To begin, place your hands on your belly, close your eyes and take a long deep breath through your nose. Hold your breath for a moment, feeling your belly full of air as you wait, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, feeling the ‘balloon’ in your belly deflate as the air leaves your lungs.

2. Mindful Breathing

Mindfulness is all about paying attention to the here and now and the sights, sounds and sensations around you. When it comes to mindful breathing, it’s about how your breathing feels and sounds.

To try mindful breathing, set yourself up in a quiet, safe space where you won’t be interrupted. Start by closing your eyes and taking deep breaths in and out, with a long inhalation through your nose and a long exhalation out of your mouth.

While doing these slow, deep breaths, you should pay attention to everything you’re feeling. How does your breath sound? How does it feel when your breath fills your lungs, and how does it feel when you let it out? Are there any other sensations you experience? Take your time in evaluating and accepting your feelings and thoughts as you gently ride each breath – and don’t fight them; simply let them be.

3. Releasing The Tension

There’s a reason that exercises like yoga and pilates focus so much on correct breathing techniques. When practising stretches and releasing muscle tension, breathing goes hand-in-hand. If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed with your studies, you might want to relieve the tension from your whole body – and you can do this with breathing exercises.

Lay down in a comfortable place and focus on every area of your body as you settle into a state of relaxation. Next, take a deep breath, holding it in as you curl your toes up and stretch out your entire body. Afterwards, release your breath slowly as you uncurl your toes and relax your muscles.

In addition, you can do exercise while focusing on different areas of your body, making sure to breathe deeply and mindfully as you work your way through each body part that needs relief from tension.

Final Thoughts

Breathing exercises can help you feel calmer and more collected; however, they can only do so much. If your stress levels are getting out of hand and last a long time, you should see your doctor. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and you need to take care of it if you want to remain in good form.

Naturally, students are busy people and can’t always find the time to go to a GP right away, which is why GP online services can be a good first port of call for those with hectic schedules. There are also student health services available for those that need them, so use them if you feel like your mental health has declined – that’s what they’re there for.

Not getting enough sleep can hinder your physical and mental well-being over time. Luckily, it’s never too late to start healthy sleep habits to improve your health!

In a world that’s growing increasingly hectic, with heightened demand for technology implementation and most people using technology before they go to bed, sleep can often fall on the back burner. As such, many may either struggle to get quality sleep or fail to prioritise sleep in favour of late nights and early morning starts.

Responsibilities, such as work schedules, education and family commitments, can easily have you working late or starting early, and that’s not to say that work, school and family aren’t important. However, insufficient sleep will negatively affect your mind and body’s health over time.

What Are The Signs You Might Not Be Getting Enough Sleep?

A lot of the symptoms of sleep deprivation can easily be dismissed as simply feeling off or having a bad day. Nevertheless, the key indicators of poor sleep to watch out for include:

  • Irritability and mood changes
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate
  • Shorter attention span
  • Thinking more slowly
  • Feeling extremely tired – both physically and mentally – throughout the day
  • Physical symptoms, such as eye bags or dark circles under the eyes

How Much Sleep Do You Actually Need?

Getting the right amount of sleep will vary from person to person, especially when your age comes into play. Still, a good idea is a trial-and-error approach to see when you feel well-rested versus when you don’t. This method will help you figure out how much sleep your body is telling you that you need.

However, as a general rule, healthy sleep habits based on hours-to-age-range ratio are:

  • Teenagers: around 8 to 10 hours
  • Adults: about 7 to 9 hours
  • Seniors: approximately 7 to 8 hours

What Happens To Your Body When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep?

There are numerous repercussions to continually failing to get enough sleep, which include surface problems relating to how you feel and serious health problems down the line. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body cannot properly recover and maintain its optimum condition, leading you to start noticing serious changes in your mental and physical state.

Over time, untreated sleep deprivation can result in significant health failures, such as a heart attack or high blood pressure. Alongside these, continuous poor sleep could also put you at risk of a weakened immune system and diabetes and can negatively impact your mood, causing issues such as a low sex drive and depression.

If you find yourself suffering from any of these issues no matter how minor, taking action early on can prevent further health decline – so see your doctor or use GP online services if you can’t find the time to go in person immediately. Your GP can offer expert advice and prescriptions should they feel you’d benefit from medication.

Lack of Sleep, Physical Health and Mental Health

It’s important to note that physical and mental health should be considered when understanding a healthy sleep pattern and any problems with one. Despite your best efforts, you may still find that you still feel exhausted no matter what you do – and this isn’t a rare problem in today’s age.

Perhaps you feel like all you want to do is sleep, even though you’re getting a full night’s rest, or maybe you feel exhausted and irritable throughout the day. Signs like these could indicate you’re suffering from sleep-related issues; however, they can also point to other health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, or a physical health problem.

Whatever the signs and symptoms, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional, make an appointment with your doctor or use GP online services if you’re concerned about your energy levels and sleep pattern. Lack of sleep affects plenty of people, yet too many don’t take it seriously and forgo help – much to their detriment. Support is available and can set you on the right track to getting the quality sleep your physical and mental health need – so use it.

In many ways, the pandemic exacerbated many students’ worst fears: loneliness, isolation, volatility in the job market, and countless others.

The effect that this has had on the collective mental health of the student community is prevalent and wide-reaching, and even now, many months after the end of the third lockdown, the impacts of the pandemic are being felt by many.

If your own student experience has been affected by the pandemic, it’s important to recognise the value of looking after your mental health.

Below are some common ways in which the pandemic has had a negative impact on student mental health and some possible solutions worth investigating.


Depression is an awful feeling and one that many people are slow to recognise and slower still to do something about.

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing are essential, so if you suspect that you or one of your friends is starting to show signs of depression, it’s important to reach out for help; you aren’t alone.

You could consider checking out the student health services that are available to you; even if you’re not totally sure about your mental health, it’s worth clarifying as it could stop the problem from becoming more serious.


Uni can be a stressful environment even without a pandemic looming on the horizon. The mental health impact that the accumulation of various negative feelings can have should be taken seriously.

Trying to cut down your stress levels may seem like a never-ending battle at first, but it’s completely achievable and vital to combatting anxiety and depression.

Making sure that you get the basics right is a must; that’s making sure you get enough sleep, maintain a good diet, and practice mindfulness.

You don’t have to tackle stress alone, not when there are some great GP online services available to help you out.

If you’re worried about your health during the pandemic, remember you can still wear a mask and observe social distancing.

Chronic stress is a serious health condition and needs to be treated as such, so speaking out is important, even when it’s difficult to do so.


Coping with a mental health crisis can be exhausting. It takes a real toll on your physical health after a while, so it’s vital you don’t overdo it.

The pandemic might seem like it’s never-ending at first, but this is far from the truth. It will come to an end, and you’ll be able to enjoy a future free from COVID.

Making time for yourself is a must in order to avoid suffering from exhaustion and burnout, as is eating a healthy and balanced diet.

It’s awfully easy to forget the basics as a student, especially when there’s so much going on around you.

Thankfully, there are plenty of steps you can take to put yourself first, and it all starts with a little self-care and a willingness to acknowledge the situation.

It takes courage to recognise when something is wrong and even more courage to confront it. Mental health support is available, and if you feel like you can’t ask for it, try and talk it through with a trusted friend; it can make all the difference.

Uni is tough. As a student, finding time for yourself amongst the chaos of the everyday can sometimes seem like an impossible feat, particularly if you’re already being constantly pressured to go out, deadlines are impending, and your bank balance is in the minus figures.

Everything can happen at once or slowly build up over time and start to chip away at your mental and physical health. Either way, a little self-care can go a long way toward making your experience at university much more enjoyable.

It’s widely accepted that much of student life is a bohemian, hedonistic affair, but it doesn’t need to be detrimental to your health, not when it costs so much to be there and there are so many amazing resources to take advantage of.

Here are some of the best reasons to put a bit more time into self-care; you might find it drastically enriches your overall health.

Seizing Opportunity

If you don’t take some time to look after yourself, the full benefits of going to university could pass you by.

Turning up to class with a brain-boiling headache, the post-beer fear, and an unexplainable feeling of shame that you can’t quite put your finger on is a sure-fire way to miss out on high-quality education.

Self-care can help you seize every opportunity around you, as you’ll find it easier to concentrate, think critically, and apply yourself to the learning environment.

For many, going out is, of course, part of being a student, but there’s no need to let it impair your ability to form more meaningful connections with others who want to learn.

Swap the dawn walk home for a coffee with a mate at lunchtime, or simply just stay in and get lost in your institution’s resources. Whatever you do, aiming for at least 7 hours of sleep (good sleep) can make all the difference.

A Good Headspace

Uni can be overwhelming, especially when deadlines start rolling in, so it’s worth practicing mindfulness to make sure you don’t get flustered by the situation ahead.

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment without seeing the bigger picture, a common pitfall that often leads many students into panic mode.

Taking some time to practice self-care can help you avoid this.

Why not start small and concentrate on your deep breathing? This can calm you down and help you get a perspective on things, even if you do it for just 30 seconds.

Mental health support is available, so please don’t be afraid to reach out via our website, our student health services are comprehensive and easy to access, and they’re here to be used.

Lower Academic Stress

If you have lower academic stress levels, you’ll start to enjoy the entirety of your course a lot more. Remember, you can always talk to your uni about the course if you feel like you need some extra support; you’re not alone, even when life feels lonely.

Self-care can help you reduce stress levels; that’s partly the point of it, after all, so why not dedicate some time to it?

Busting Health Anxieties

Health anxiety can creep on unexpectedly at uni. It may manifest from a consistently bad diet, poor sleep schedule, increased alcohol intake, or plenty of other factors.

It’s important to contact your GP online services if you have any pressing worries or concerns, as this can be a straightforward way to get some direct medical insight and most likely, make you feel better too.

There’s no denying the mental health impact that uni life can have on students – it makes self-care more important than ever, and it’s never too late to start practicing.

Moles – small spots that appear on the skin – are extremely common. Most people have at least one or two on their bodies. Usually brown in colour, moles tend to sit on the skin forever without causing any issues.

That isn’t always the case, though. While you shouldn’t worry yourself over every mole or freckle, it’s important to know when you should seek help for a mole.

What do Moles Look Like?

Moles, just like humans, come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some large. Some moles are flat, others are raised, and some people even find hair growing on them. They can appear anywhere on the body, from the face to the legs to the stomach.

When to Seek Help for a Mole

The worry concerning moles is the risk that it is melanoma. Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that starts in the cells and is the deadliest of all skin cancers. It’s understandable, then, that people are concerned about the moles on their skin. While most are non-melanoma, if you do have one that is melanoma, it’s important to seek specialist treatment straight away.

While these signs won’t tell you for certain whether your mole is melanoma or not, if you experience any of them, get your mole checked out.

  • A New Mole
  • Changes to a Mole (such as a change in size)
  • Bleeding, Crusting, or Itching
  • Uneven Edges
  • Varying Colours in the Same Mole

What you really need to look out for is changes in moles. A mole that looks the same as when you were a kid is likely nothing to worry over. One that is suddenly darker, a different shape, or bleeding could indicate an underlying problem.

Contact Your GP

It’s important not to stress yourself over a mole. If you experience any of the signs listed above, book an appointment with your GP as soon as possible. At your appointment, you can expect your GP to inspect the mole and tell you whether or not further inspections are required.

If your GP is also concerned about a mole, you will then get it tested in a hospital by a specialist.

Concerns About Appearance

Most moles are benign. That doesn’t mean everyone is happy with their moles, though. Even if they cause you no physical harm, the appearance of your mole/s might cause you distress.

If that’s the case, there are options. While not usually covered by the NHS, you can seek cosmetic treatment to remove a mole if you don’t like how it looks. The cost of this treatment varies for each case.


Keeping an eye on your moles is essential, but it’s not enough. Prevention methods will help reduce your chances of getting skin cancer. Here are some of the best prevention methods:

  • Wear a High SPF sun cream
  • Wear Sun-protective Clothing
  • Stay in the Shade
  • Never Use Tanning Beds

Moles are a normal part of the human body. If you notice any of the signs listed, though, or you’re concerned about its appearance, seek the help of your GP right away. It’s better to be safe than sorry!