Diabetes isn’t an uncommon illness, but it can be serious and result in your having to change your lifestyle. There are two different kinds of diabetes, and the main difference between them is that type 1 is genetic, whereas type 2 diabetes can be down to your lifestyle and will develop over time, rather than showing up in an earlier stage of your life.
It is important to know what the symptoms of diabetes are so that you can address the problem sooner rather than later, so below are some of the key things to look out for and when you should see a doctor.
What are the Symptoms?
If you want to know how to tell if you have diabetes, these are common indicators that you might have developed this problem.
The need to urinate frequently, or feeling thirsty and/or hungry a lot. You might also notice that you experience extreme fatigue, weight loss, tingling sensation, or pain in your hands and feet. Cuts and bruises might also take longer to heal than they have done in the past. Some people might also experience blurred vision or find that they are getting thrush in the genital area repeatedly.
You may want to refer to a self help service to check symptoms if you are concerned.
What Should You Do?
If you are concerned that you have diabetes, the first thing to do is make an appointment with your doctor. They can arrange a blood test to check your blood sugar levels, as this can be a great indicator of whether or not you have diabetes and can be one of the first warning signs. High blood sugar can be treated with lifestyle changes, and you may need to take insulin at times too.
Your doctor can talk you through how to manage your diabetes more effectively, or look at NHS GP for more information. They may even refer you to specialist centers for disease control for further support and guidance.
Who is at a Higher Risk?
If you do have a history of type 1 diabetes in your family, then you are more likely to develop this condition, too.
However, for type 2 diabetes, those at a higher risk include people who have a diet that is high in fats and sugars and are overweight. Your risk also increases the older you get, with a lot of people developing this when they are over 40. This is why it is important to monitor high levels of blood sugar and get this tested if you are concerned.
Lifestyle Changes for Diabetics
If you do have type 2 diabetes, there are some things you can do at home to help this. The first step is to look at moving to a healthier lifestyle and eating a more balanced diet with reduced sugar. Remember to be careful with carbs, too, as these can turn into sugar in your body. You might also want to think about getting more exercise to help you lose weight which can be beneficial.
If you are worried about whether or not you have developed diabetes, contact your doctor as soon as possible to take the necessary tests.
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