Our Practice Team

Our clinical team

We operate with a broad range of clinically skilled team members. This means we have prescribing nurse practitioners, prescribing pharmacists, physician associates and advanced clinical practitioners seeing and calling patients as well as our GPs.

This also means we are able to help solve patient issues on the same day, using the best clinician (with our triaging system).

If there is a clinical need for a face to face consultation, perhaps for an examination, then a Practice appointment will be made with the most appropriate clinician (this may not be a GP).

Some of our clinicians are based at one or more of our sites.

Workforce Director
Workforce Director
Natacha Morar
Natacha Morar
Operations Director (Acting)
Richard Jones
Richard Jones
Clinical Governance & Quality Assurance Director
Dr Harriet Bradley
Dr Harriet Bradley
Medical Director
Dr Jahan Mahmoodi
Dr Jahan Mahmoodi
GP Principal
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre, Crest Medical Centre, The Eagle Eye Surgery & Chamberlayne Road Surgery Dr Mahmoodi MBBS FRCGP MSc DFSRH MBA is a Managing Partner, Clinical Director for the PCN and the Practice's Albert Einstein. He has been at the forefront of advancing Primary Care Services into a new age of innovation. Additional Languages: Farsi
Dr Muhammed Ali
Dr Muhammed Ali
GP Partner
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre, Crest Medical Centre, The Eagle Eye Surgery & Chamberlayne Road Surgery Dr Mohammed Ali MBBS MBA is the GP Partner. Dr Ali is passionate about improving patient experience and innovating healthcare
Arti Patel
Arti Patel
Practice Manager
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre, Crest Medical Centre, The Eagle Eye Surgery & Chamberlayne Road Surgery Arti is an experienced and devoted Primary Care Manager and Chair of the K&W Practice Managers Group. She led the Practice Merger between the 4 Surgeries in 2018. As the organisation's Leading Lady, Arti has oversight of Quality Improvement, Business Development and Human Resources. Experience: 16 years Additional Languages: Hindi &Gujarati
Anamaria Enea
Anamaria Enea
Head of Performance

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre, Crest Medical Centre, The Eagle Eye Surgery & Chamberlayne Road Surgery

Anamaria is the Iron Fist of the Practice. She is a pragmatic, headstrong individual who is always eager to advance her skills.

Experience: 2 years

Additional Languages: Romanian

Dinisha Dhiru
Dinisha Dhiru
Head of Operations

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre, Crest Medical Centre, The Eagle Eye Surgery & Chamberlayne Road Surgery

Dinisha is our mathematician and scheduler. She manages the organisation's accounts and finance as well as clinical rotas. Dinisha is a diligent and logical thinker who is dedicated to her work.

Experience: 5 years

Additional Languages: Gujarati

Nita Hirani
Nita Hirani
Reception Manager

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Nita is our encyclopaedia and go-to girl. She is strong-minded, caring and passionate about providing the best patient care.

Experience: 7 years

Additional Languages: Hindi & Gujarati

Mohammed Saleh
Mohammed Saleh
Lead Independent Prescriber
Dilraj Sehmi
Dilraj Sehmi
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre,
Mojgan Bekha
Mojgan Bekha
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
Rosull Khaledi
Rosull Khaledi

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre,

Haider Al-Moosawi
Haider Al-Moosawi
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre,
Hassan Al-Hakim
Hassan Al-Hakim

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Hassan Al-Hakim is a an experienced Pharmacist skilled in treating minor ailments. He is friendly, perceptive and proficient.

Additional Languages: Arabic

Trishla Shah
Trishla Shah
Independent prescriber
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
Experienced in Diabetes
Sheetal Joshi
Sheetal Joshi
Diabetes Specialist Independent Prescriber

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Sheetal Joshi is a Specialist Pharmacist experienced in the treatment of Diabetes. She is meticulous, comprehensive and enjoys interacting with people.

Additional Languages: Hindi, Punjabi & Urdu

Harminder Sangha
Harminder Sangha
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre,
Ayan Shirwa
Ayan Shirwa
Healthcare assistant

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Ayan Shirwa is the practice healthcare assistant. She is hardworking, enthusiastic and experienced in health care. Ayan is able to adapt to new situations very quickly and enjoys working with people. She is skilled in phlebotomy, ECG and general health checks.

Additional Languages: Somali

Khyati Nayantkumar
Khyati Nayantkumar
Phlebotomist / Healthcare Assistant

Location: Eagle Eye Surgery

Khyati is our most soft-spoken staff member. She is friendly, courteous and considerate. .

Additional Languages: Gujarat

Tracey Reilly
Tracey Reilly
Social Prescriber
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
Alisha Parekh
Alisha Parekh
Social Prescriber
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
Ruksar Bibi
Ruksar Bibi
Social Prescriber
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
David Plein
David Plein
Data Analyst

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

David Plein is the Practice data analyst. He is a genius at extracting reports from our Clinical systems

Vanisha Patel
Vanisha Patel
Case Analyst

Location :Hazeldene Medical Centre

Vanisha is our Case Analyst. She is a tenacious, energetic and passionate individual.

Aloysia Camelo
Aloysia Camelo
eConsult lead

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Aloysia is our eConsult Lead. She is a kind-hearted, autonomous individual with a harmonious personality.

Experience: 2 year

Additional Languages: Hindi & Konkani

Chandni Ashokkumar
Chandni Ashokkumar
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
Harsha Bhatt
Harsha Bhatt
Docman Lead

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Harsha is our multilingual aspiring actress. She is lively, animated and driven to do her best.

Experience: 2 years

Additional Languages: Hindi, Gujarati & Sindhi

Venu Damani
Venu Damani

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Venu is our tenacious chatterbox. She is a strong-willed hardworking individual eager to learn.

Experience: 1 year

Additional Languages: Hindi & Gujarat

Falguni Patel
Falguni Patel

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Falguni is our tranquil Monk. She is benevolent, considerate and conscientious in all tasks.

Experience: 1 years

Additional Languages: Hindu & Gujarati

Sir Ruban Jayanthan
Sir Ruban Jayanthan

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Sri Ruban is our athlete and fitness fanatic. He is calm, quick-witted and enjoys team wor

Experience: 1 years

Additional Languages: Tamil & Sinhalese

Meera Thakor
Meera Thakor

Location: Crest Medical Centre

Meera is our referral expert. She is intelligent, down-to-earth and a great team member.

Experience: 7 years

Additional Languages: Gujarati

Rajvee Khatri
Rajvee Khatri

Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

Rajvee is responsible and well-organised. She provides efficient support to patients for medical and insurance reports.

Experience: 1 year

Additional Languages: Gujarati

Dhawal Shah
Dhawal Shah
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
Prithviraj Sindha
Prithviraj Sindha
Location: Crest Medical Centre
Hetal Halai
Hetal Halai
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre
Pooja Patel
Pooja Patel
Location: Hazeldene Medical Centre

General Questions (FAQ)

Hi there! Have some questions about our GP Practice? Find the answers below.

  • How do I register with an NHS GP?

    You can use our Registration page at www.Student.NHSGP.net to register online, in only a few seconds.

    You won’t need any Identity documents or proof of address to register with us, as your new NHS GP.

    When you have completed and returned the form, NHS England will transfer your medical records to your new practice and write to you to confirm your registration as a patient with that practice.

    If you're registering a child under 5, you'll have the option of registering them for the Child Health Promotion Programme.

    This means your child will be invited for regular health and development checks. Ask the practice for more details.

  • I am student, do I still to register with a GP?

    Being registered with an NHS GP is similar to an insurance policy, because you won’t know you need one, until you need one!

    Our registration is quick, and online and it gives you access to all NHS Free Services such as Mental Health Support, Sexual Health Support and exclusively you us, Free NHS Expert Dermatology Skin Specialists.

    Just visit us at www.nhsgp.net/students

  • Is there a GP for Student Health Issues?

    Our GPs and clinicians have years of expertise in dealing with Student Specific Issues.

    We have online and in person services that include Physiotherapy, Mental Health Support, Teenage Counsellors, Contraception Clinics, Vaccination Clinics, Sexual Health Clinic and Skin Specialist Clinics.

    Just visit us at www.nhsgp.net/students

  • What is Dermatology?

    Dermatologists are skin specialists. They have years of dedicated experience in treating and diagnosing skin conditions.

    By clicking on www.NHSGP.net/SKIN you can upload your photos of your skin condition and our Dermatologist will call you straight back!

    It’s that simple!

  • Do I need a referral to see a Dermatologist?

    Our in house Dermatology Specialist is free on the NHS for for patients who have registered with us, as their GP.

    Just click on www.NHSGP.net/SKIN and you can upload your photos of your skin 

    and our Free NHS Dermatologist will contact you!

  • How can students register with a local GP?

    If, like most students, you spend more weeks of the year at your university address than your family's address, you need to register with a GP near your university as soon as possible.

    That way you can receive emergency care if you need it, and access health services quickly and easily while you're away.

    This is especially important if you have an ongoing health condition, particularly one that needs medicine, such as asthma, diabetes or epilepsy.

    You can choose to register with any local GP. The health centre attached to your university is likely to be the most convenient, and the doctors working there will be experienced in the health needs of students.

    Find your local GP surgery

  • What vaccines do I need as a student?

    MenACWY vaccination

    Students are now routinely offered a vaccination to prevent meningitis W disease.

    The MenACWY vaccine protects against 4 different causes of meningitis and septicaemia: meningococcal (Men) A, C, W and Y diseases. It replaces the separate Hib/MenC vaccine.

    All 17 and 18 year olds in school year 13 and first-time university students up to the age of 25 are eligible as part of the NHS vaccination programme.

    GP practices will automatically send letters inviting 17 and 18 year olds in school year 13 to have the MenACWY vaccine.

    But if you're a student going away to university or college for the first time, contact the GP you're registered with to ask for the MenACWY vaccine, ideally before the start of the academic year.

    This is because you'll be at particularly high risk in the first weeks of term, when you're likely to come into contact with many new people.

    Mumps vaccination

    Universities and colleges also advise students to be immunised against mumps before starting their studies.

    The MMR vaccine (for mumps, measles and rubella) is part of the routine NHS childhood immunisation schedule. This means most young people who've grown up in England will have had 2 doses of it in childhood.

    If you're not sure you've had 2 doses of the MMR vaccination, ask a GP for a catch-up vaccination.

    Flu jab

    Get an annual flu vaccination if you have asthma and take inhaled steroids. You should also get a flu vaccination if you have a serious long-term condition such as kidney disease.

  • How can I get Contraception if I am Student?

    Even if you do not plan to be sexually active while studying, it's good to be prepared.

    Contraception and condoms are free for everyone from any GP – it does not have to be your own – or family planning clinic.

    Find your local sexual health service

  • How can I get Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)?

    As a higher education student living in England, you can apply for a Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) if you have a:

    •     disability
    •     long-term health condition
    •     mental health condition
    •     specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia

    The support you get depends on your individual needs and not on income.

  • As a student how much rest and food do I need to be healthy?

    You'll greatly increase your chances of keeping healthy by taking care of yourself.

    Student life may not be renowned for early nights and healthy eating, but getting enough sleep and eating well will mean you have a better chance of staying healthy.

    You'll feel more energetic and be better equipped to cope with studying and exams.

    Remember to:

    Eating well does not have to cost a lot and is often cheaper than takeaways. Taking the time to cook simple meals instead of eating out or buying ready meals is also healthier.

    You might want to try downloading the free One You Easy Meals app – available on the App Store and Google Play.

    Read more about eating well for less

Register with us for a online doctor appointment today

Registration typically takes less than two minutes

Our online NHS repeat prescription service and appointment system is quick and easy to use. Register online today.