Alcohol Questionnaire for Adults

This is the easiest way to make a complaint or leave a comment for us.

Alcohol Questionnaire for Adults
This is the easiest way to make a complaint or leave a comment for us.
Your contact details
DD slash MM slash YYYY
1 drink = 1/2 pint of beer or 1 glass of wine or 1 single spirits.
1 unit of alcohol = 10cc of alcohol. So, a small glass (125cc) of 12% wine is 12.5 * 0.12 = 1.5 units.

Are You A Carer?

Do you look after a family member or friend who is unwell, disabled or frail?

Are You A Carer?
Do you look after a family member or friend who is unwell, disabled or frail?
If so please complete this form. Once you are added to our list of carers we will know about your busy life as a carer, which can affect your health. We can also try and be flexible with appointments etc as we will know about your commitments.
Carer details
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Details of Person Being Cared For
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Is the person you care for a patient at NHS GP?

Registering with a GP surgery outside the area you live?

You do not need to register with a GP surgery in the area you live.

Registering with a GP surgery outside the area you live?
You do not need to register with a GP surgery in the area you live.
You can register with a surgery that's more convenient, for example closer to your work or your children's school..
The GP surgery can refuse registration for reasons such as they are not taking new patients or it's too far away from your home and you need home visits.
Your details
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Reason for registering with our practice in London
Terms of Registering with GP far away from home.
The surgery will decide if they can accept you as a regular patient or accept you without home visits.
Because of the distance to your home, the GP surgery might not be able to offer home visits.
If you are not well enough to go to the GP surgery, other arrangements might be made.
Registering with a practice further away from home can affect decisions about referrals for hospital tests and treatment, or access to community health services
Additionally the offer of Cancer Screen Services  and practice based Blood Tests and Investigations maybe a long distance for you to travel
Do you accept the Terms of Registering with a GP far away from home?

Request to Register for Online Services

Request to Register for Online Services
Your details
DD slash MM slash YYYY